Sunday, February 21, 2010


Chinese New Yearrrrrrr!

Well, it's a festive season for the Chinese people and as usual there are major traffic jams two and fro back to hometown. I'll have to quote Peanut from Jeff Dunham for this:

"Let me do the traffic report and I'll save everyone lots of time...Good morning everyone, today we have traffic jams at all the usual spots...[because] everyone left at the same bloody time!"

If you were caught in a traffic jam yourself, raise your hands and shout out loud. Because probably everyone will be ignoring you, but you'll be able to get some of that load off your chest. I was stuck in a traffic jam on the way back to KL from Ipoh. It was caused by some people using the emergency lane. It's actually fine...until someone ACTUALLY uses the emergency lane for what it really was made for. So you see naturally-man-made-bottlenecks happen on the highway because everyone has to dodge those stalled cars on the emergency lane, or else... We all know what happens when an object going 200 km/h knocks into another object going (wait it's not going at all!) 0 km/h.

After all this CNY stuff, you know the usual gambling, talking, chit-chatting, getting back with relatives (if you really are close to your offense) and all other things that people do during CNY break, what has been going on for COD 4?

CIC 7 is just 2 weeks away! Get that for a big hint. Of course, i'll bet most of the teams took CNY off, but came back to their "COD4 hubs" to train for the big compy. Mind you, i just recently helped put up some banners at a sad time of 2.30 am in the morning. Me and the Uncle Chan (you know who la XD) had some trouble figuring out those RM 150 banting stands. In the end one of them actually "semi-broke". I use "semi" because the bottom part TORE OFF (luckily the banting didn't tear in half..leaving the important parts intact). So you can go visit Blitzone DJ and ProX to see the stuff.

Noticeably, many teams are coming into CIC7 with new lineups. Is this like a sign of the older generation leaving for greener pastures? I doubt it. I'd see it more as life has finally caught up with many people. New blood coming into the scene is awesome if not fantastic. Plus, every team has to take care of it's members. So if someone has to leave due to other responsibilities, so be it. "Deal with it" would be a very good motto to use here.

Hmm...I caught up with this Johan who drove like "so far coz he so much minyak XD" to his friend's place to celebrate CNY and stuff. Oh well, what are friends for? Hope everyone had a good CNY and yes, it's time to get back to training for CIC7 for COD 4!

Btw please do sign up to CIC7! The prize triggers are meant for people to sign up faster...and not...last minute >.<"

1 comment:

Mr24 said...

dude...that last paragraph is wtf not the bolded one...the one above it